Board of Directors Approved 07/12/01 Minutes
June 7, 2001

Chesarek, Gemmer, Fell, Koch, Olsen, Bond, French, Forristall, Brooks, Varady, Capozzo, Sottana
Excused: Anthony

The meeting commenced at 6:35 p.m.

Minutes of May 3, 2001
Fell motioned to approve, French seconded. The motion carried.

Treasurer's Report

Koch requested copies of meter readings for the pool.

Membership Sales & Notations

Prospective Members
Shamieh Thorn
Hamilton Pinguelo
Ireland Thompson

Maldonado Varady motioned to approve the prospective members, Gemmer seconded. The
motion carried.

The Board took note of three Notice to Sell forms. They will be effective for sale June 8, 2001.


Greens: The manufacturer changed the design of the recently purchased sprinklers. This change is causing a dry area or "donut effect" around the sprinkler. Ray is working with the manufacturer. SID water supply is very low. There is a concern that we will not receive enough water for the course, and our wells are not adequate to supplement. Ray is negotiating with SID for 2002. Short staffed and inexperienced employees continue to be a problem for the maintenance department.

The Green Committee would like the Golf Committee to place a flyer on how to care for the course in each golf cart during outside tournaments. Brooks would like to see marshals give more instruction to individuals on course rules and etiquette.

The Board discussed having signs or markers on all par 3's.

Tennis: The Committee sent a survey to its tennis members on proposed improvements to the tennis facility and requested their opinions on the drafted plans. The Committee is requesting the Board to consider Tennis Memberships. This class of membership would include pool and dining privileges. The Board is in favor of the idea and recommended that the Tennis Committee and Membership Committee develop a program to present to the Board for a By-Law change.

House: The stone table for the Terrace Atrium has been delivered, installation of the golf channel is progressing.

Membership: A New Members Dinner is scheduled for Thursday, June 14 and a Prospective Member Brunch has been scheduled for Sunday, July 22, 2001. Social/F&B: A Casual Dinner Dance is scheduled for Friday, June 15, 2001.

Pool: Requesting that the Snack Bar remain open until 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday evenings for Swim Team Practice. The Board would like to see the Snack Bar open at 10:00 a.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. The Committee is working on the 2002 budget.

Finance: See motion section.
Transfer of Membership to a Son or Daughter - Tabled


Story's Requests
Safety nets which were installed in 1995-96 for the tennis and driving range areas need to be replaced immediately. Story is requesting $4,500 in addition to his C.I.F. budget for the replacement of the nets. Gemmer motioned to approve the additional funds from C.I.F. Forristall seconded. The motion carried.

Asphalt: Buildings & Grounds will research re-paving the drive to the Maintenance yard and report to the Board.

Sand Traps: Forristall motioned to allot $7,000 in order to continue the sandtrap renovation project started several years ago. It was discussed that the advise from Green Supt. Story was that the cost of materials has risen
sharply since the budget was approved but that the increase in anticipated expenditures covered the same "scope of work" that was contemplated at budget time. The allowance if approved would keep on schedule to complete the
project by the end of next year; if not approved, completion of the trap renovation program will probably take another year. Olsen seconded. 3-yes / 7-no. Funding disapproved.

Tree Program: Story is requesting $25,000 to continue with the tree program October - December 2001. The current contract with Arbor Care expires October 2001. It is not yet determined if Arbor Care will be the company contracted to proceed with the program. Forristall motioned to decline the request. Fell seconded. The motion carried.

Board of Directors Group Picture: Varady motioned to have one group picture of the Board of Directors taken versus individual pictures. French seconded. Bond and Koch opposed. The motion carried.

2001 C.I.F.: Koch motioned to suspend the $25.00 C.I.F. dues commencing July 2001 through the end of the year. Gemmer seconded, the motion carried. A notice will be sent with the July statement. A separate mailing is not necessary.

Maritime Academy Request: A foursome of golf including carts for their fundraiser in July 2001. Forristall motioned to approve, French seconded. The motion carried.

Non Resident Member Program: A request for a program to reduce fees and waive the food and beverage minimum spending to accommodate members who temporarily move out of the area. The Board forwarded the request to the Membership Committee for recommendation.

Borrowing Club Supplies: Capozzo recommended that requests to borrow Club supplies be at the discretion and approval of the Department Manager. Forristall motioned to approve, Varady seconded. The motion carried.

Golf Course Flower Beds
A suggestion to decorate the course with flower beds in which members would plant and weed was agreeable to the Board with Story's final approval on the species of plants, location on the course, and the time and date of planting and weeding.

July Board of Directors Meeting
Due to the holiday, the July Board of Directors will meet on Thursday, July 12 at 6:30 p.m.

Minimum Selling Price of Memberships
The minimum selling price of memberships will be reviewed at the July meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jeff Olsen, Secretary

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